In this article, a collection of professionally-designed Free Letterhead Templates is given. Letterhead is a printed heading on stationery or letter paper. Generally, letterhead consists of the name of the company, logo or trademark of the company, address, and other contact details and information about the company.
The word letterhead is also used to refer to stationary or a piece of paper imprinted with such a heading. The main purpose of a letterhead is to take print of important document and other confidential letters of the company to give them a neat and professional look. The main cause to have letterhead is to ensure that the organization is presented with the logo, typeface, and contact information in a consistent format. A letterhead template must be simple and professional in format. You should not add too many contacts to your letterhead. You can design a letterhead in Microsoft word and can also use letterhead templates in order to design a perfect letterhead. Making a letterhead is easy with these free letterhead templates.
The letterhead which can be used by an employer for any purpose is known as free letterhead. The information on the letterhead includes the name of the company, the website name, email address, and the contact number. The free letterheads are available on the websites for the person who wants to contact through email.
Most people download the free letterhead from the websites. Every company has its own letterhead that is needed to be filled for giving to the customer. The letterhead can be used for giving warranties and as a document that shows the ownership or possession. The users of free letterhead are traders or businessmen. A letterhead can be used for conversation and communication between two companies. The business letters are usually written by an employer on free letterhead.
All of the letterhead templates provided on this page are in MS Word format so that you can easily download and customize the contents of the document of your choice.
Download FREE Letterhead Templates:
Sample Letterhead Template

Company Simple Letterhead Template

Blank Company’s Letterhead Template

Executive Letterhead Template Free

Online Letterhead Maker Template

Official Design Letterhead Template

Letterhead Template for MS WORD

Practical Letterhead Template with Watermark

Sample Business Letterhead Template

Personal Letterhead Template

More About Letterhead Template
A company letterhead is usually a heading on the upper side of a paper that consists of the name, logo, and address of the company. Letterhead term is generally used to identify the whole paper printed with such heading. Company letterheads are often used to take a printout of a company’s confidential documents or letters.
Most companies prefer to prepare company letterhead in Microsoft Word software. Your company letterhead must contain the company name, logo, and necessary contact information only. The rest of the design of a company letterhead should be simple and don’t insert too much contact information.
You can also practice on paper first and make a few design ideas, or rough drafts in order to give a credible look to your company letterhead. You can also use letterhead templates provided for free on this page while you make a company letterhead.
Since the company enjoys a separate identity from the members of the company. Thus the members cannot sign and direct on behalf of the company by themselves. However, the directors may provide a direction on working of the company by proper authorization on Company Letterhead.
This letterhead provides a base for authentication of approval to the outside party. In the heading on the top of the letterhead is the name of the company with the full address of the registered office where the books of accounts are kept. It shall also consist of complete information about the contact address on it.
It may or may not contain the logo or the corporate identity design of the company in its background. With the help of these letterheads, you can direct or impose the policies of the company as proper authentication and it serves as a means of conveying a direct message to the staff from authorities it may be posted on the bulletin board for common addressing.
Stylish Company Letterhead Template

Catchy Letterhead Outline Template

Editable Letterhead Template WORD

Formal Style Letterhead Template

Practical Letterhead Design Template

Common Company Letterhead Template with Logo

Dental Clinic Letterhead Template

BEST Letterhead WORD Template

BEST Letterhead WORD Template